Thank you for your interest in applying for CD14's Discretionary Funding. Please note that funding requests should be submitted at least 12 weeks before the event or project start date in which you are requesting funds for. Any submissions submitted after this deadline will be considered on a case by case basis.
Please ensure to prepare the following documents for your application:
- W9
- Articles of Incorporation
- Determination (501c3) Letter
- Invoice (briefly stating what the funding intent is)
Note: If you are a business, please state that on the application and only the W9, BTRC and Invoice are required
Applicants that will be given priority consideration will:
- Be a non-profit organization/of 501c status.
- Hold a Business Tax Registration Number (BTRC number). To find out more information on how to receive a BTRC number please visit:
- Have a strong connection to and/or be based in Council District 14
- Be requesting $5,000 or less.